
What is corporate culture how does it impact organizational



Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Organizational Behavior, Chapter 16.


File (PDF): Presentation (Pearson, 17e) - Chapter 16 (attached in this post)

Link (website): Disney Careers

Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)


What is corporate culture? How does it impact organizational effectiveness? This discussion will give you an opportunity to look at Disneyland's culture and how their culture impacts this large organization.

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, address the following:

What do you think it would be like working for the "Happiest Place on Earth?"

Of course, it's Disneyland! Disney is huge-so much more than theme parks. Go to the Disney Careers website to get a flavor of what their corporate culture might be like. Click on the links found at the bottom of the page. One even references culture-but it is not necessarily referring to corporate culture. In your initial post, explain what you learned about Disneyland as is relates to its corporate culture, individual cultures, and the impact of both on their organizational effectiveness.

Use citations from the textbook and any other sources as needed to define the concept and to support your analysis. List the sources for citations at the bottom of the response.

Writing Requirements

minimum of 250 words

Use APA format for in-text citations and list of references.

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Business Management: What is corporate culture how does it impact organizational
Reference No:- TGS02758348

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