
What is competitive intelligence why is it important to the


• Every initial thread should be between 500-700 words and must contain real business examples from reputable business sources, include research from:

o 2 scholarly sources,

o The PointeCast presentations and/or the video presentation

o Incorporate major ideas from the chapter of the textbook in which the question was taken, and

o Integrate biblical ideas (the PointeCaste and video presentations provide solid Biblical analysis, which is why they are required).

• To focus on specific points of application for corporate responsibility. You should not speak in vague terms while answering the questions.

• Please refer to the "Guidelines for Use of Sources" document found with the Discussion Board instructions and rubric to make sure you understand how to recognize a scholarly source.

• Please note that the PointeCaste presentations and/or video that are required for use are NOT the same as the PowerPoint chapter summaries for each chapter. The former obviously contains audio/video as well as Biblical integration; the latter is just a summary of ideas provided by the textbook company.

• Failure to use all required sources will significantly hurt your grade.

For your replies:

• You will reply to 2 classmates. Every reply should be 200-300 words and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from one's personal and professional experience. For the purposes of citations, every reply must include:

o At least 1 scholarly article;

Choose 1 of the following questions and answer it completely and thoroughly for your thread:

• Discuss why a manager should, or should not, be considered a stakeholder. Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

• Describe a public issue and how it has evolved through the public issues life cycle. Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

• What is competitive intelligence? Why is it important to the public affairs function? Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

• Define and provide an example of a business practicing enlightened self-interest. Justify your example with a minimum of 2 scholarly references and 1 business article.

• How can a company focus on the needs of its stakeholders without neglecting its shareholder obligations? Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

• One example of unethical activity is bribery. Explain what it is, how common the practice is, and where it is found. Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references and 1 journal article.

• What issues do you think that personal spirituality programs raise in the workplace, and what, if anything, should be done about them? Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references and 1 journal.

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Dissertation: What is competitive intelligence why is it important to the
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