
What is companys core competencies


Interview your company for parts 3 and 4 (refer to the Potential Interview Questions document) of the project and submit a summary of the interview based on the questions you established in the third assignment in Unit 1 and on the requirements for the third and fourth project components.

Part Two: Project Description

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • What is the company's history and culture?
  • Does it have a mission statement and what is it?
  • Who do they sell to and what is the general profile?
  • Who is their biggest competitors and their profile?
  • What is their market share for their immediate area and the industry?
  • Others?

Part Three: Product Design

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • What is the product or service?
  • How do they complete their product or service?
  • How do they design their product or service?
  • Make a flow chart.
  • Others?

Part Four: Quality Control

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • How do they control the quality of the product or service?
  • Do they use any type of programs such as TQM, Six Sigma, or others?
  • How do they train their employees to ensure product quality?
  • Others?

Part Five: JIT Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • How do they receive their components or materials for their product or service?
  • Do they have alliances or partnerships with other companies?
  • Do they have JIT and how do they use it?
  • How are the component parts integrated into the business process?
  • Others?

Part Six: Facilities Analysis

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • Where are their plants located? Are they close to customers and materials? Transportation? Other essentials?
  • What type of technology do they use throughout their company? Is there MRP, CADCAM, SAP, or other technology?
  • Do they have any controls or systems to control their inventory?
  • Others?

Part Seven: Company Alignment

Some questions to consider for completing this assignment include:

  • What are the company's core competencies?
  • How well are the core competencies in alignment with the mission statement?
  • Others?

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Business Management: What is companys core competencies
Reference No:- TGS01801804

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