Think of a person that you have known in your past that you would say, in your opinion, was a great religious leader.
Can you remember an example of a time or an event that they showed great leadership skills?
Now write down the example you thought about above when that person showed good leadership skills.
Now think of some of the characteristics of that person that made them a good leader. What personality traits did they have that made them good at being a leader? What were they able to accomplish while you knew them? What have they accomplished since?
How did their vision influence change in the followers?
When planning a major change, it is also desirable to anticipate likely resistance and plan how to avoid or resolve it.
People are more likely to support radical change if they have a vision of a better future that is attractive enough to justify the sacrifices and hardships the change will require. To be inspiring, the leader's vision must include strong ideological content that appeals to shared values and ideals.
Now write down 5 characteristics that enabled them to be a great religious leader.
• What is their communication style?
• What is their philosophy?
• What can you learn from this leader and apply the strategies in your life.
• Create and present a short 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation and include a short video.