
What is common between the circulatory system of organisms

Part I:


Sample 1: Chrysophyta

Sample 2: Annelida

Sample 3: Arthropoda

Sample 4: Amphibia

Sample 5: Aves

Common Feature







How does the organism break down and absorb food?


They eat through dirt

Some are vegetarians

Thy are vegetarians


Circulatory System (Transport)

How does the organism get what it needs to cells (open, closed, diffusion only)?



Open circulatory



Respiratory System

How does the organism get oxygen and release carbon dioxide?


Diffusion through skin

Diffusion through tracheal tubes

Diffusion through skin and lungs

Diffusion through the lungs

Reproductive System

Does the organism use asexual or sexual reproduction (eggs, seeds, spores, placenta, type of fertilization)?


Has organs containing their eggs that moves from front to rear

Internal fertilization

External fertilization; must be in a moist environment

Internal Fertilization

Excretory System

How does the organism get rid of wastes and maintain an ionic balance of fluids?


Waste exits through Anus


Waste goes through kidneys, intestines and anus

Waste goes through kidneys, intestines and anus

Growth and Development

Does the organism go through metamorphosis, develop in an egg or uterus, or grow from seeds?


Developed in an egg then hatch

Developed in egg

Developed in egg

Developed in egg


How does the organism control body processes (hormones, nervous system)?

They have eye spots that can detect the light

The brain, the nerve cord and ganglia  runs the length of the body

With the brain, the nerve cord, ganglia and sensory organs

With good reflexes, the brain, and the nervous system


Sample organism



Fruit fly



Table 2: Samples 6-10


Sample 6: Reptilians

Sample 7: Mammalia

Sample 8: Bryophyta

Sample 9:


Sample 10: Angiosperm

Common Feature







How does the organism break down and absorb food?






Circulatory System (Transport)

How does the organism get what it needs to cells (open, closed, diffusion only)?



Diffusion through cell membranes and cell wall



Respiratory System

How does the organism get oxygen and release carbon dioxide?

Diffusion through the lungs





Reproductive System

Does the organism use asexual or sexual reproduction (eggs, seeds, spores, placenta, type of fertilization)?

Internal Fertilization

Internal fertilization, developed in uterus

Sperm moves to eggs; must be in a moist environment

Pollen is the male sex cell

Pollen is the male sex cell

Excretory System

How does the organism get rid of wastes and maintain an ionic balance of fluids?

Waste goes through kidneys, intestines and anus

Waste goes through kidneys, intestines and anus




Growth and Development

Does the organism go through metamorphosis, develop in an egg or uterus, or grow from seeds?

Developed in an egg

Developed in uterus


Developed in a seed

Developed in a seed


How does the organism control body processes (hormones, nervous system)?

Endocrine and nervous system

Endocrine and nervous system


Hormones in bud, roots and stem

Hormones in bud, roots, stem and leaves

Sample organism




Pine tree


Part 2: Using the completed data table, answer the following questions:

1. What is common among all samples?

2. What is common among organisms from samples 1, 9, and 10?

3. What is common between the circulatory system of organisms from samples 5, 6, and 7, but different in organisms from sample 4?

4. What is common in the respiration system of organisms from samples 2 and 4?

5. What gas is delivered to the respiratory system of organisms from samples 1, 9, and 10? Why?

6. Which organisms are producers?

7. Which organisms are decomposers?

8. Look at the surface of your hand. You will see the skin and hair made up of protein calledkeratin. Which organisms did humans inherit that protein from?

9. Which organisms have blood?


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Biology: What is common between the circulatory system of organisms
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