
What is climate change-what is causing it


The final exam is worth 30% of your grade: 5% for the map quiz and 25% for the written part (all maps are included).

1) According to Wallerstein's World Systems Theory,explain howcapitalism has divided the world into a core, semi-periphery, and periphery, and describe the characteristics of each. How does the World System keep the countries of the periphery poor?

2) How does Neoclassical economic theory explain the global division of labor, and why does it say that this leads to higher living standards for countries that participate in international trade?

3) From Economic Convergence: What is economic convergence? What factors were driving it in the first decade of this century?

4) From China Makes, the World Takes: What is the "smiley curve"? Where is China on it now? According to Fallows, how has US-China trade helped both countries?

5) From Dr. Carpino's lecture:
a. What are the characteristics of a state? What are the characteristics of a nation?
b. How can a group of states such as those in the EU create a supranational identity?

6) From How Sushi Went Global: How does the tuna trade exemplify the key features of globalization? Does the globalization of sushi show that cultural differences are disappearing?

7) From Explaining Chinese Restaurants: Explain the reasons that certain ethnicities dominate certain industries.

8) From While the World Sleeps:Who are the Rohingya? What is happening to them? Where are they going?

9) From Cannibal Tours: How have the Papua New Guineans depicted in the film been affected by globalization (in terms of culture, livelihood, and quality of life)? Has the effect been good or bad, overall (explain)? How do you expect globalization to affect them in the future?

10) From Dr. Cigliano's lecture: What is climate change? What is causing it?

11) From The Genesis and Growth of Global Jihad, The Propaganda War, and Keeping Up With the Caliphate: How have groups like ISIS used the tools of globalization?

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English: What is climate change-what is causing it
Reference No:- TGS01969452

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