
What is classical conditioning and identify at least three

A Clockwork Orange Essay

Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are all prominent theorists in behavioral conditioning. They attempt to explain behavior based on these theories. Abraham Maslow, another theorist in psychology, attempts to define behavior as a result of needs. Using the film, A Clockwork Orange, explain the following:

1. What is classical conditioning and identify at least three examples of classical condition

2. What is operant conditioning and identify at least three examples of operant conditioning

3. Describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs and his theory

4. In accordance with Maslow's theory, describe Alex's starting point on the hierarchy, his movement though the film, and his ending point.

Essay should be in APA format and be at least 1000 words (4 pages according to APA) not including title and reference page. You must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the film and our text.

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