
What is central planning can central planning work in the

Could you add the questions on the papers at the begining of the each project. 1)discuss both"the argument for relying on non profit organization for the public services For example:non profit organizations can provide public services better and more cheaply than state owned or private for profit organization and also they internalize client objective and"against relying on non profit organization is there any empirical evidence on the comparative quality services provided non profit and other organizations?

2)the privatization always improved firm performance answer review of emperical issues and evidence( main question). The success of of privatization depends on the institutional environment. Others argument that privatization has improved firm performance in some countries in others it has made no difference or worse and the experience of privatization in transition countries has shown that building market institution was more important than privatization

3) what is central planning? Can central planning work? In the theory central planning is equivalent to markets but in practice it can not possibly work? What is meant by taut planning it can fully explain the problems of poor firm performance encountered under traditional soviet style central planning? And it helps firm run efficiently? Discuss soviet style practice with empirical evidence?

4)what are the main distinguishing features of the j form and h from as described by the economist massohiko aoki explain the role played by complementaries in this comparative analysis using two examples to illustrate to what extent can a theory Japanese firm explain Japanese economic performance. Western commentators become highly appreciating of the Japanese economic model until they realised it's no longer working well the things which made it strong in fact now explain why it's a weak discuss the statement setting out points of references and evidences carefully

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Econometrics: What is central planning can central planning work in the
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