
What is campaign slogan


1. How much does it cost to run for office in Texas?

  • How-much-texas-candidates-spent-vote-general-election
  • How will you raise money? Research campaign finance laws to be sure you are raising money according to the federal guidelines. You don't want to end up in jail for violating federal law on accident.
  • What interest groups will support/oppose you? Go to https://votesmart.org/interest-groups/TX/#.WXjT4ojyuUk and identify two (2) interest groups that you think will support your campaign, and two (2) who will oppose your campaign. Explain why, referring to your platform.

2. What's your campaign SLOGAN? How is this going to attract potential voters?

3. Design a campaign sign and include it in your paper. Think about what information needs to be on it to draw voter attention. Remember, your sign will be in a sea of signs at election time. It needs to stand out and be special.

4. Which newspaper, official, celebrity endorsements will you seek? Why?

5. How do you get out the votes? Given your target issues, what voter groups do you need to target? (refer back to the district analyses documents on your current legislator's homepage).

6. At this point in the campaign, how do you feel about your chances of getting elected?

This assignment must follow MLA guidelines, be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and be a minimum of 1000 words with a works cited page. The works cited are not included in the minimum word count. Any articles/links given in the assignment prompt MUST be cited in your works cited.

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Other Subject: What is campaign slogan
Reference No:- TGS02036754

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