
What is caam or vc

Assignment 1: Angry Asian Man

This is an assignment that enables you to explore, analyze, and also enjoy a key? Asian American media resource (and a useful news aggregate), angry Asian man. Furthermore, it's an opportunity to learn about (and potentially join) a community of informed, interested, activated consumer-citizens.

There are two components of this assignment:

Explore the AAM website and browse through Angry Asian Man's Twitter, and read selected pages from Chapter 9 on Asian American New Media Practices in our textbook, Asian Americans and the Media/Ono and Pham, pp.140-148.

Second, answer the following questions:

1) What is angryasianman? Why do you think it not only exists but thrives (at its height, the website received a hundred thousand views a month) and now has extended to a twitter feed?

2) How do you understand angryasianman, the blog and the man as having an important role in Asian American media culture? Give a specific example.

3) Search/Find 3 blog (or twitter) entries that interest you: one from the past 2-3 months, one about a film or television program you're interested in, and one from more than a year ago -- identify it, and why it strikes you. Suggestion: You can do searches by film or television titles, names of actors, directors, politicians, athletes, etc.; you might randomly choose a date and year, and see what posts angryasianman wrote that day.

4) Expanding upon Kent Ono and Vincent Pham's assertion in their chapter, what kind of activism do you think is possible (or limited) on the Internet or Twitter, in regard to Asian Americans and the media?

5) Finally, what is the reason to invoke the emotion, concept, and force of being angry? How/where do you see anger on/through angryasianman?

Your type-written assignment does not need to be more than 2 pages in length, it does need to be edited and proofread.

Assignment 2: CAAM and VC

This is a short assignment that enables you to explore and become familiar with a key media organization, the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), which is located in San Francisco or Visual Communications (VC), located in Los Angeles. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to approach the subject of Asian American media from a different and important angle, that of non-profit advocacy.

There are two components of this assignment:

First, study through the website for CAAM or for VC, and read selected pages from the chapter on film festivals in our textbook, Asian Americans and the Media/Ono and Pham, pp.158-165.

Second, answer the following questions:

1) What is CAAM? Or: What is VC? What is the significance of its founding?

2) How do you see the organization having an important role in Asian American media culture, and in the broader culture (beyond the Bay Area or L.A. and beyond a set of Asian American communities)?

3) Do you agree with Professor Jun Okada's argument that there are ways CAAM (formerly NAATA) or VC narrows or puts limits on the definition of 'Asian American cinema/media'?

4) What kinds of opportunities does the Center for Asian American Media and Visual Communications provide, for whom? Identify one of CAAM's or VC's programs to go into more detail about.

5) Is there an element of the CAAM or VC website that you find particularly intriguing or useful, and why?

6) In what ways is it significant and influential that both CAAM and VC facilitate and host Asian American film festivals?

Your type-written assignment does not need to be more than 2 pages in length; it does need to be edited and proofread.

Note: Need Only Assignment 1 - Angry Asian Man.

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