
what is business riskit is related to response of

What is Business risk

It is related to response of the firm's earnings before taxes andinterest, or operating profits, to changes in sales. When cost of capital is used to evaluate investment alternatives, it is presumed that acceptance of the proposed projects won't affect the firm's business risk.  Types of projects accepted by a firm can greatly affect its business risk.

If a firm accepts a project which is considerably more risky than average, suppliers of funds to the firm are quite likely to raise cost of funds. This is due to the decreased probability of the fund suppliers' receiving the expected returns on their money. A long-term lender would charge higher interest on loans if the probability of receiving periodic interest from the firm and eventually regaining the principal is decreased. Common stockholders would require the firm to increase earnings as compensation for increases in the uncertainty of receiving dividend payments or ably appreciation in value of their stock.


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Financial Management: what is business riskit is related to response of
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