
What is bureaucratic culture have you witnessed

Discussion 1

A. How much executive privilege should there be? The Bush administration pushed to shield information from the public. Their reasoning was that, to make effective policy, policymakers must be able to have candid conversations with advisers that are not shared with the public. How much should the president and the executive branch be able to use executive privilege? What are the down sides to not releasing information? What would our founders (who met in private but also did not trust any branch with too much power) say about this?

B. Presidential power often increases in response to a crisis such as the Civil War or the Great Depression. Do you think the economic crisis that began in 2006 with the mortgage crisis has led to increased power for the presidency? Do you think it will lead to increased presidential power? What kinds of increase in presidential power might come about as a result of such a crisis? Do other branches of government also gain more power in such a crisis?

Discussion 2

A. What is bureaucratic culture? Have you witnessed bureaucratic culture at your college or university? Does it fit with the definition of bureaucratic culture used in this chapter? Does the culture help the college or university to function? How can it drive students crazy?

B. What are the benefits and drawbacks of Congress delegating some of its legislative power to bureaucracies through bureaucratic discretion? Does it mean policies are carried out with the correct technical expertise, or does it mean that people who are not accountable to voters make policy?

Discussion 3

A. How informed about politics does the American public appear to be? What are some shortcuts to political knowledge? Do you think these shortcuts allow a person to be adequately informed?

B. What do the Democratic and Republican Parties stand for? What forces are pushing them together? What forces are pushing them apart? If you were a candidate for president for one of the two major parties, how would you try to win the nomination? The general election?

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Dissertation: What is bureaucratic culture have you witnessed
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