
What is boosting and hindering your life

Assignment task: Values and Life Planning

1. List at least 5 things for which you are grateful.

2. List 2 or more value indicators.

3. What's something you want to do/accomplish/see/experience/create during your lifetime?

4. List at least 3 things that you want to (or should) STOP caring about.

Things/people/behaviors that are not serving you or holding you back from your potential.

This should give you an idea about what is boosting and hindering your life and what you may consider adding into your life and what you should contemplate deducting.

The text indicates that how you spend your time and money reveals your values. We are going to explore how you spend your time.

Think about a typical day for you:

5. Write down a list of your daily activities. (Ex. Working, cooking, studying, spending time with family, chilling with friends, watching TikTok, playing video games, practicing a sport, working out, watching TV, etc.)

6. Next to each activity indicate approximately how much time you spend on each activity (for phone activity you can check your settings - many people are surprised by the results).

7. After you have completed your list of daily activities and time spent on them, indicate on a scale from 1-10 (1 - not valued at all - 10 - top priority), how much you value each activity.

Here is an example of how to set up your answers to directions 4, 5, & 6:

Cleaning - 1 hour - 5

Hanging with family - 30 min. - 10

Scrolling on phone - 4 hours - 2

Working out - 1 hour - 9

Studying - 20 min. - 8

Work - 9 hours - 8

8. Look over your results; consider how much time you are spending on the things that you value most and least. Write a reaction to your findings (3-5 sentences).

(Things to consider in your response: Do you feel validated that you are living in congruence with your values? Do you see a difference between what you value and the choices you are making? Does something need to change, or do you feel that you are on the right path to personal contentment?)

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Other Subject: What is boosting and hindering your life
Reference No:- TGS03441843

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