
What is bad can be endured and describes how to attain

I need help I am not good on philosophy and I am not sure if this make sense.

Raphael's School of Athens was not implied as a school that really existed (I. e. Plato's Academy) however a perfect group of minds from the whole established world. To encourage this vision, Raphael made a roomy lobby that reviews the "sanctuaries raised by reasoning" composed by the Roman artist Lucretius. The painting illustrates a big group of students from the Ancient Greek (were good on Pythagoras). In the painting the statutes of Apollo (god of the sun) and Athens (god of wisdom). During the painting shows how Plato and Aristotle having a conversation in the middle of the painting about the natural of the world ( ) and spiritual world (). Every section of the picture represents the area of philosophy and knowledge and every person have different robes and material invention. Aristotle and Plato have different perspective about certain things but they agree that happiness has to be obtain in life and happiness is everything in the world. There were four pre-Socrates, Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes were physical science where, Heraclitus was involved on moral law. Thales found the Greek physical sciences, Anaximander argued the universe was flat, Anaximenes use of physical mechanism, and Heraclius moral and social law.

The Platonic school was very influential philosophy school with his students as Plato and Plato's Aristotle. For example, the Greek schools after Socrates, (1) the skeptics, (2)the stoics, (3)the cynics, and (4) the epicureans. The skeptics were "responding to all the schools with organized counter-arguments and reason" and has two developments occurring in two distinct phases (the elder skepticism and the later academy). The stoics in the Athens school means, "advanced response to the growing complexities of society, inspired by the Cynics and the Epicureans." The Cynics means, "ideas -very critical of society and very committed to living their lives by their principles. The Cynics focus on what is needed on life such as, wealth, power, possession, and fame and make sure we have in life what makes up happy. Lastly, epicureans mean, "focused largely on how to be happy and how to live well." The Epicureans method is pleasure is the absence of pain.

The three types of freedom (PARRHESIA, ELEUTHERIA, AUTARKEIA) freedom action, freedom of speech "Frankness," and self-sufficiently. Aristotle and Plato have different perspective about certain things but they agree that happiness has to be obtain in life and happiness is everything in the world. Epicures wrote, "The Epicureans Four-Fold Remedy" (1) god has no fear, (2) death hold no fear, (3) what is good is easy to get, and (4) what is bad can be endured and describes how to attain happiness. In other words, Greek philosophers believe happiness perception and always be happy, no worry about unnecessary things.

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Dissertation: What is bad can be endured and describes how to attain
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