
What is aristophanes doing during eryximachus speech

Please listen to the content entitled "Aristophanes' Myth" just posted under Course Documents. You should be able to answer the following five questions when you do.

This is a recycled audio lecture, so the sound quality might not be as pristine as the others that I have recorded new this semester.

See you then.

1. What is Aristophanes' doing during Eryximachus' speech

2. According to Aristophanes' myth, what do humans look like at first?

3. What idea about love that we share today does Aristophanes' myth illustrate?

4. If halves could speak to the god Hephaestus, what would they ask for?

5. What's the nature of the little verbal conflict Socrates and Agathon get into once Aristophanes' speech ends?

Using the video inside information to answer the question. Every question one to two paragraph is fine. Pick the most important points relate the questions to answer it.

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Other Subject: What is aristophanes doing during eryximachus speech
Reference No:- TGS02461665

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