1. How has your teaching style changed from being a first year teacher, three year teacher, five year teacher, etc.?
2. What was element of teaching did you find the most difficult to master in your first 3 to 20 years of teaching (curriculum, instruction, classroom management, etc.)?
3. How would you react if a parent came and sat in your class the whole day with their child?
4. Do you think technology should be a requirement for all teachers? If so, do you think the teachers will use it in the classroom?
5. Two part question:
a) What is your approach to classroom management? How is classroom management different from discipline?
b) Tell me about a time when you had a disruptive student in your classroom. How did you handle the situation?
6. What instructional approaches would you use in your classroom?
7. How would you differentiate the instruction for a student or students in your classroom that needed extra assistance with a particular concept?
8. How do you think high stakes testing affects the teaching environment for students as well as teachers?
9. How do you feel performance should be graded for a student, by performance or numerical results?
10. How do you measure student performance in you classroom?