
What is androphilia and gynephilia

Problem: Dr. Ashlyn Swift-Gallant, a researcher here in MUN's Psychology Department, studies the role hormones play in the development of the brain, and how they impact sexual behaviours. Much of Dr. Swift-Gallant's work has focused on rodent models, but she also does research with humans. Read the following article and answer the associated questions.

Swift-Gallant, A. (2019). Individual differences in the biological basis of androphilia in mice and men. Hormones and Behavior, 111, 23-30.

Q1. What is androphilia? What is gynephilia?

Q2. Look at Table 1 and list the endocrine manipulations, there are some abbreviations in the terms, I want you to provide the full term in brackets.

Q3. Briefly explain the neurohormonal theory of sexual orientation in humans.

Q4. Dr. Swift-Gallant identifies a prenatal biomarker of digit ratio and its relation to androgens. What does she mean by digit ratio? Are there differences in male and female populations? If so, what are they?

Q5. What does the acronym FBOE stand for in this article? Describe what FBOE mean in the context of Dr. Swift-Gallant's paper?

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