
What is an overall effectiveness of the model

Discuss the below in detail:

Q: Study the following Excel multiple regression output. How many predictors are in this model? How many observations? What is the equation of the regression line? Discuss the strength of the model in termsF. Which predictors, if any, are significant? Why or why not? Comment on the overall effectiveness of the model.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.842
R Square 0.710
Adjusted R Square 0.630
Standard Error 109.430 109.430
Observations 15 15

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 321946.82 107315.6 8.96 0.0027
Residual 11 131723.20 11974.8
Total 14 453670.00

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 657.0530 167.460 3.92 0.0024

X Variable 1 5.7103 1.792 3.19 0.0087

X Variable 2 -0.4169 0.322 -1.29 0.2222

X Variable 3 -3.4715 1.443 -2.41 0.0349

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Basic Statistics: What is an overall effectiveness of the model
Reference No:- TGS01993554

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