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What is an organizational conflict? "Estimates shows that managers spend about 21% of their times dealing with conflicts". ( Nelson & Quick, 2013, p.472) .
In the workplace, there appears a situation where there is disagreement among individuals within the organization. There could several reasons for such disagreements like with regards to certain opinion in relation to the given work, or distribution of responsibility, or even pay scale. Such arguments and divergences result in conflicts among the peers or managers etc. and would definitely have negative outcomes.
This would affect the individual as well as team performance, productivity, and quality. It also diminished the trust or the strong bond between the employee and the organization or the management. Why does is occur? Expectations, When the expectations set by the management exceeds the achieving capacity of an individual then the individual would start defending himself as to how negatively it would effect him.
Lack of accountability: There might arise a problem of insubordination or inefficient work if there is frustration. And the reason for frustration could be a lack of accountability. If there is something gone wrong and no one is there to take its ownership then the problem is left unattended, and if the responsibility is taken and the task at hand is completed then the issue is resolved. What are some methods of conflict resolution?
Mediation: This method promotes communication and cooperation between the parties and gives an opportunity to the parties to resolve the issue. It is again a voluntary and informal process of dispute resolution. It also allows you to make mutually acceptable agreements tailored to meet your needs.
Give an example of a workplace conflict and describe what can be done to resolve it. The overbearing boss at a workplace can be a source of conflict. However, communication with the boss and explaining oneself to him/her about the issue will help in the understanding of personal likes and dislikes and thus solving the conflict. If that does not solve the issue, you may need to go above the boss and report his behavior to your Corporate HR office if you have one if the boss is the Corporate HQ, then QUIT! WC 347
Nelson, D. & Quick, C. J. (2013). Organizational Behavior. Science, the Real World, and You. (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning