
What is an optimal value for the problem

Discuss the below:

Identity the optimal solution and the optimal value for the problem and determine if there are any "special cases" in problem.

Provide the sensitivity analysis for the problem where you identify which constraints are binding/non-binding and what is the slack/surplus for each constraint.

Identify one Right-Hand Side Range and one Objective Coefficient Range and determine how much the optimal value changes if you increase your chosen RI1SR by 10% and decrease your chosen OCR by 20%.

Apply the "100% Rule" to the RHSR and determine the effect on the optimal solution.

Then provide Ms. Behaving with two suggestions (five good sentences) based on your findings.

Ms. Behaving, a loan officer for Back of America (BoA), just returned from a meeting where she learned that BoA has approved a special budget of $30,000 for two types of new loans: Micro Business Loans and Used Car Loans. BoA has mandated that the funds be used for exactly 10 loans and wants at least 2 Micro Business Loans and no more than 8 Used Car Loans. The amount of each Micro Business Loan is $2,000 and for each Used Car Loan is $2, 500. Ms. Behaving wants to maximize the rate of return and each loan has the same rate of return, 10% of the amount lent.

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Operation Research: What is an optimal value for the problem
Reference No:- TGS02033236

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