
What is an intensive physical property of a material that

What is an intensive physical property of a material that may be used to characterize a material's ability to sink or float?

A seven letter word that has something to do with phrases like: "That went over like a lead balloon." Or "Light as a feather".  Here is a line of dialogue from movie, "Back to The Future."  Character George McFly and Lorraine are in the soda shop. George, infatuated with his future wife says,

Purpose: Obtain mass and volume measurements and learn how to construct a correctly drawn scientific graph.


Top loading balance                            1-50 mL graduated cylinder               1-Beral pipet

1-50 mL beaker                                   two - materials to test                       


1) Obtain mass of material and record in the table.

2) Add 24-25 mL of water to your graduated cylinder.

3) Record the initial volume reading in your data table.

4) Tilt your cylinder slightly and gently slide the material into the water (no splashing).

5) Record the final volume reading in your data table.

6) Repeat steps 1) through 5) for the same material two more times.

7) Repeat steps 1) through 6) for the other material.

8) Calculate and record a density from each mass-volume pair and record this in your data table. When you have all the densities, calculate the average value. To how many significant figures (___________) should this be reported? 

9) Make a graph of mass (y-axis) vs. volume (x-axis). Draw the best straight line that you can through these points, drawing a single line rather than connecting the points. The density can also be calculated as the slope of this line.

Find any two well separated points (x-, y-values) on this line, and read their x and y values.  The slope is given by:

Slope = (y2-y1)/ x2-x1)

10) Calculate the density in this way, and record the value.

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Chemistry: What is an intensive physical property of a material that
Reference No:- TGS01050006

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