
What is an independent variable in the study


Read a short article "Watching too much TV can KILL you: Sitting in front of the box for five hours a day increases risk of pulmonary embolism" By Ollie Gillman and I want to analyze it below questions.

A. What is an independent variable in this study?

B. What is the dependent variable in this study?

C. What type of correlation or association is implied? Positive, negative or zero?

1. Covariance: Was there a difference between groups or association between the IV and DV?

2. Temporal precedence: Did IV precede DV?

3. Internal Validity: Is the IV the only thing that could have caused changes in the DV or was anything else different between the two groups? Are there a potential third or confounding variable?

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Other Subject: What is an independent variable in the study
Reference No:- TGS03228354

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