Write short notes on benefit-based taxes giving 2 examples in the process. How will you classify federal income tax based on your explanation? (Hint: chpt 25)
What is an income-elastic tax? How does it contribute to budget short falls in a state like Texas? (chpt 25)
Make a case for and against having gubernatorial (governorship) term limits vs unlimited ones. What is the scenario here in Texas and how does it impact state policies? (positives and negatives)- chpt 23
What is the line-item veto? In Texas why is this a useful tool for the Texas governor to influence legislation/policy making given the constitutional limits on him/her? (Chpt 23)
Briefly describe the policy making process (stages) as discussed in class.
What is the Plural executive structure in Texas? How does it affect policy overall? (positive and negative)- chpt 23
Briefly explain the following concepts as discussed in class: Consent calendar bill, major calendar bill and minor calendar bill (chpt 22)