
What is an idea of human nature


Three critical research papers are required for this course. These papers are thesis driven and require research on your part beyond our course text and classroom work. They are designed to get you to further develop skills in several areas - to do independent research; to enhance your critical thinking skills; to achieve a better knowledge base of Western political thought; to develop strong, evidence based, and coherent arguments in support of your thesis; to more objectively evaluate all sides of a research question, argument, or issue; and to develop writing skills and organization that effectively communicate your thesis and arguments. The paper questions are directly related to the Western tradition of political philosophy.

General Format Information and Advice

Paper length should be 8 to 12 pages double spaced; title page, main body, citations, and worked cited (bibliography). The general structure of the paper should include an introductory paragraph (a descriptive account of the question to be answered; why is it relevant?); a clear thesis statement (your answer to the question; tell the reader what you are going to attempt to prove in this paper in summary form); the main body of the paper consisting of your arguments and evidence; and a conclusion.


Critical Research Paper

Q: Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that human nature was essentially good and that civilization, in particular modern civilization, had a corrupting influence on human behavior. Explain how and why Rousseau believed this. What was his idea of human nature? How and why does modern civilization, in Rousseau's opinion, turn us into aggressive, self-centered, status seeking, money and consumer oriented people? Do you agree with Rousseau? Finally, do you think it is possible to live a simple, relatively self-sufficient life close to nature?

First talk about his view on humen nature why is it good? Or why is it bad. Secoundly talk about why the society is bad? Agree and disagree on that. Modern society, he lived there. Small commiuty

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Other Subject: What is an idea of human nature
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