
What is an annotated bibliography writing an annotated


This assignment has two parts and should be developed as one document. It should be submitted as a Word document. Please follow the instructions below.

Write a Persuasive Strategy Report for the topic below

Persuasive Topic: Why we should have more regulation on gun control?

Part 1: Describe and Explain your persuasive strategies.

1- Note the specific purpose of your speech. After noting the purpose statement, reflect further on the type of persuasive message you will be developing using terms: a speech to change attitudes, call for action, inspire commitment, or compare and contrast perspectives.

2- Note the thesis statement of your presentation Observe how the content of your speech will be most closely centered on claims of fact, questions of value or questions of policy?

3- Explain your strategies for Audience Analysis and Adaptation

a. Explain how you will tailor your speech to the audience in light of the political typology, audience demographics, values and attitudes.

b. How do you expect audience members to respond to your message?

c. In what way will they be motivated in light of how relevant the topic is to their interests, timeliness of the subject matter, and significance to their lives?

d. How can you create identification with your audience in terms of the value priorities of the audience? Identify shared values to emphasize that relate to the position you hold.

e. Identify your Principle Persuasive Strategies, explains types of arguments, modes of proof, aspects of credibility and Organizational Pattern for persuasiveness viz. Problem-Solution, Problem-Cause-Solution, Comparative Advantages, Monroe Motivated Sequence. In addition, explain what types of Supporting Materials you intend to use in your speech.

f. Highlight two or three goals for improvement

Present the Preparation Outline of your speech with side notes that explain how you are developing the parts of your speech. Include the essential elements, noting that the parts of your outline should follow the four rules for the preparation outline

1. Introduction: the five parts of attention-getter, relevance to audience, develop credibility, state your argument and preview of main points, and relevance of the topic to yourself. This may be done in paragraphs or in full-sentence outline format.

2. Body: Include the main points and the sub points with a full-sentence format and use notations to identify the various elements: label the enumeration of main points in Roman numerals, identify persuasive strategies for the sub points that are indicated with capital letters drawing on the principle persuasive strategies that you highlighted in #4 above, note the kinds of supporting material that you indicated with numbers and use labels to identify the type of evidence used such as examples, narratives, surveys, types of testimony, analogies, definitions, numbers and statistics.

3. Conclusion: Identify how you are accomplishing the goals of the ending such as signaling your conclusion, summary/instant replay function, and statement of closure/action to clinch the ending.

Part 2: Develop an annotated bibliography using the following guidelines:

You will list research materials in bibliographic form that you have found on your topic and evaluate these sources as an annotated bibliography. For your reference, I attached a guideline on annotated bibliography and an example of Annotated Bibliography.

You should find five sources as follows:

1- One Book

2- One Scholarly Journal Article

3- One Newspaper or Magazine Article

4- One Credible Website or Media Clip:

5- The fifth resource is your choice

For each of these sources, do the following:

1- Write the APA format citation that you would include in your references list

2- List your sources by alphabetic order, using the last name of the primary author of each work you are citing

3- Write a one paragraph summary of the source using your own words. Make sure to label the type of source (e.g., Book, Website, Journal Article, etc.).

4- Write another paragraph evaluating the source. Will it be a helpful source to include in your speech? Why or why not? How does it provide information that will demonstrate the main points that you will develop in your speech and/or provide information for connecting with your audience?

Type and single space your responses using 12-point Times New Roman font

Annotated Bibliography

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of outside sources. Each source is briefly described and evaluated. Usually, the description summarizes the source, and the evaluation tells the reader about its relevancy to a research paper's topic, its accuracy, and its quality.

How do I write an Annotated Bibliography?

Writing an Annotated Bibliography begins with your research and reading processes.


o Use the library's catalogs, databases, and other resources to find books, articles, and websites that are relevant to your research topic and/or question.

o Ask a librarian for help if you need it.


o Take careful notes over each source as you read it. Highlight important concepts, terms, and ideas. Write notes and questions in the margin and/or in separate notebook paper.

o After you read a source, write a brief summary of it. What is its main point? How does it support that main point?

o Also after you read a source, write a description of the source's relevance to your topic and its quality. Will the source help you write your paper? Why or why not? Is the source credible and believable? Why or why not?


o After you have found all the sources you need to write your paper AND taken good notes over each of them, then you can begin to write the Annotated Bibliography.
o Unless told otherwise by your instructor, each entry in the Annotated Bibliography must have

- A works cited entry

• Check the citation style your class uses (MLA, APA, CMS, or something else?)

- A descriptive paragraph that

• tells the reader the author and title of the source
• briefly summarizes the source's content

- An evaluative paragraph that explains

• why the source is relevant to your topic or research question
• why the source is believable (credible)
• how and why you will use the source in your paper.

Attachment:- Formal-Sentence-Outline-Checklist.rar

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