Please describe answers of all the questions:
Question 1: Define the Stokes Shift based on the spectroscopic light properties.
Question 2: If the dichroic mirror has a cut off at 500 nm, how will it respond to light of wavelength 488 vs. 543 nm?
Question 3: Name three parts that differentiate a confocal from a wide angle microscope.
Question 4: Layering of raster patterns across a sample then combining the patterns provides what unique and key feature with confocal microscopy?
Question 5: What is cross excitation? How is it different from bleed through?
Question 6: What is an Airy unit? How does it relate to thickness of optical section?
Qyestion 7: How does PMT gain, pinhole size and emission wavelength affect your image quality?
Question 8: How does employing the x10 (0.3 Numerical Aperture) vs. x20 (0.7 NA) objective affect your image quality? Do you think numerical aperture affects resolution? Explain.
Question 9: If you are imaging a sample, you should always check for image saturation. Why is it important?
Please provide discription of all the answers.