
What is an abrasive wheel ring test

Response should be at least 75 words in length each:

Question 1. What is a Class I, Division II location? Include an example in your explanation. Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question.

Question 2. List three uses for flexible cords that are not allowed by Subpart S. Include the citation(s) for the OSHA standard(s) where you found the answer to the question.

Question 3. For offhand grinding machines, what is the maximum permissible opening between the work rest and the abrasive wheel? Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question.

Question 4. What is an abrasive wheel ring test? When must a ring test be conducted? Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question.

Question 5. What are the requirements for safe indoor storage of oxygen cylinders used in oxygen-fuel gas welding? Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question.


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Other Subject: What is an abrasive wheel ring test
Reference No:- TGS01845824

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