A. What is American Literature/what defines American Literature?
B. What does American Literature II refer to/what is American Literature II?
C. What is a survey?
D. What is a survey of American Literature?
E. What is the meaning of Mid-19th Century?
F. Explain the years in a century
G. Explain the years in 19th century, 20th century, and 21st century
H. Define Romanticism
I. Define Cadence along with examples
J. Define Rhyme
K. Describe the key features of Romanticism
L. Analyze the ways in which the works of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman broke from the American literary tradition of Emerson, Hawthorne, and Melville
M. Analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the Civil War on American literature
N. Compare the ways in which Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman established new voices in American literature.