
What is also known as the age of reason

Problem: French revolution/ Napoleon

A. True or false. Enlightenment philosophers preferred an absolute monarchy.

B. How did the ideals of the Enlightenment change attitudes toward absolute monarchs?

C. How was the English monarchy different from other European monarchies?

D. Describe these terms: First Estate, Second Estate, Third Estate, Robespierre, Bastille, Guillotine

E. What was an enlightened despot?

F. What were some of Napoleon's accomplishments?

G. Know these philosophers: Locke, Hobbes, Wollstonecraft, Becarria, Voltaire, Montesquieu

H. What is the Estates General?

I. What is also known as the "Age of Reason"?

J. What strategy did the Russian army use to defeat Napoleon's invasion?

K. Know these Monarchs: Peter the Great, ELizabeth I, Louis XIV, Catherine the Great, Fredrick the Great, James I

L. Which document stated that "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights"?

M. During the Regin of Terror, who was safe from the guillotine?

N. What were the accomplishments of the Congress of Vienna?

O. What unfair practice did the 3rd Estate complain about at the meeting of the Estates General?

P. What is absolutism?

Q. Which group imposed the Reign of Terror?

R. Which group most strongly embraced the ideals and principles of the Enlightenment?

S. What does heliocentric mean?

T. Who created the first vaccine?

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History: What is also known as the age of reason
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