
What is a workable definition of persuasive communication -

1. What is a workable definition of persuasive communication?

2. What is the difference between persuasion and coercion?

3. List the 6 elements of persuasive communication, state a reason how each can be used in a persuasive argument, then provide a real-life example, preferably from your own experience. Thus each answer will have three parts.

4. When we feel obligated to respond because someone gives us a gift or a compliment we are responding to the Rule of ________________. Why do you think we feel obligated?

5. Catherine Genovese was murdered in New York in 1964. Over a period of 35 minutes her attacker returned repeatedly to stab her to death but no one called the police, even though many witnessed saw what happened from their windows. Why? And even if you say no one wanted to get involved what does this situation imply about persuasion?

6. By stepping out of his or her own frame of reference and into ours, the person who listens well acknowledges and affirms us. Why is this important in persuasive communication?

7. What does it mean to reconstruct reality, and what does that imply about persuasive communication?

8. If you were thinking about hiring someone what three out of many aspects of likeability might make a difference in your decision? Why?

9. Who was Joe Girard, and what did he do to get people to buy from him? Can people really be influenced to buy a car, one of the biggest purchases anyone can make, simply on the basis of being told

10. In thinking about lying and deceit we learned that most people believe deception is a part of the way we prefer to communicate, as opposed to always being truthful. Which of the following the following do you believe to be true? Explain the ones you choose with a single sentence. if you choose 5 correct answers

(a) Both men and women who were told to appear likeable and competent told significantly less truthful than those who were not asked to present themselves in a particular way.

(b) The more socially skilled an adolescent was, the more effective he or she was at deceiving. (c) Children and adults who are socially powerful (leaders) are also skilled at deceiving.

(d) People who showed more expressiveness and social tact were more successful at deception than those who had less skill in those areas.

(e) People who are polite and are trying not to hurt another person's feelings are commonly associated with effective communication.

(f) Sometimes loved ones want us to perpetuate a lie. (g) Telling a terminally ill child, when asked if he or she is going to die, may require an adaptation of the knowledge known to the adult.

11. Writing about the fixation of belief, C.S. Pierce said,

A closed mind is a happy mind, and your job is to make it a little less happy.doubt is unpleasant belief feels good.

What do you think he meant by this statement?

12. Go to Youtube and watch several videos featuring Monty Roberts. Roberts, known as the real horse whisperer, has developed a set of actions in dealing with horses who have never had a saddle and/or rider. He can do think in around 30 minutes. Other people believe that the only way that horses can be broken is to inflict violence on them, including beating them, and tying them up to cause them to capitulate. Roberts methods, including what he calls the Language of Equus, are different. He uses the terms follow up, and join up. What do these terms mean, as you witnessed in the videos on Youtube? Why do so many people reject what he does so well? 5 points

13. David Brooks, writing about Lady Gaga, says that some people get to the other side of fear, that they are less willing to be ruled by the effect of public opinion. What does he mean by this? 5 points

14. Why is critical thinking an important part of a mature mind?

15. Defamation occurs when one party makes a false and damaging statement about another party. In legal terms the subject of the statement must have suffered harm, such as emotional, reputational, or monetary damages. Think about political speech and the tone of the current Presidential race. If this definition is true, how can political candidates say things about one another that are untrue or wildly exaggerated?

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