Pick one of two assignments below - one focuses on magic, the other on divination. Be sure to address all components of the assignment you choose.
Choice I: Magic
i. Find an example of magic/ "magical thinking" in current events (e.g. a news article, a video under 10 minutes in length, a story on social media, etc). You may want to start with this suggested list of resources, but you are not limited to these. Be sure to include an active link to your source (as well as the full citation), so others can follow your argument.
ii. What laws of magic does your example follow? What spells, rituals, and objects are involved?
iii. How does this affect your thoughts on magic? Would the people who perform these behaviors think of them as magic? Why or why not? How does this illustrate issues of the emic/insider and etic/outsider perspectives?
Choice II: Divination
i. Predicting the future is often seen as "play" in contemporary America, so your task is to find a toy or game that is also a divination device. Visit an online game/toy store or game app site and choose an example. Be sure to include a link to your source or an image of the toy, so others can follow your argument.
ii. Describe the toy/game and how it is played. What is a "typical" scenario in which it might be used? What kinds of questions does it answer? How would an anthropologist classify this divination device?
iii. How does this affect your thoughts on foretelling the future? Would the people who perform these behaviors think of them as divination? Why or why not? How does this illustrate issues of the emic/insider and etic/outsider perspectives?