
What is a swot analysis


1. List and discuss the five key elements of the airport master planning process.

2. As an airport planner, you will be responsible for many airside and landside operations. One of these could be runway operations. In Figure 4.1, page 90, your authors provide actual overrun costs for runway resurfacing. Although 20 years old, these overruns still occur today. What would be your procedures as a planner to prevent these overruns from occurring on your airport?

3. Deregulation in 1977 (air cargo) and 1978 (airlines) changed the airline and airport industries. How have these two acts affected airports, in particular? Were these acts beneficial to the airport industry? Explain

4. What is a SWOT analysis? Why is it important for planners to first go through this analysis before planning?

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Other Management: What is a swot analysis
Reference No:- TGS01818807

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