
What is a success of gaylord palms strategic choices


Create a 6- to 7-page paper in which you address the following:

Complete an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of the Gaylord Palms' organizational culture and values, analyzing the ways in which the specific components of organizational culture and values assist - or impede - the success of the organization's strategic choices.


The key aspects of assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7- page paper include the following:

• Using Background readings related to organizational culture, and after performing additional research in the library, explain how organizational culture at the Gaylord Palms Hotel:

o Creates meaning for its members;

o Establishes informal organizational controls; and

o Ensures (or alternatively, hinders) the success of Gaylord Palms' strategic choices.

• Which of Gaylord Palms' values are most salient, and how do these same values relate to the organization's culture?

• What is required for an organization's culture to be "effective"? Is Gaylord Palms' organizational culture an "effective" culture? Why or why not? Be specific.

• What specific characteristics/elements of Gaylord Palms' organizational culture do you believe are most significant relative to ensuring the success of Gaylord Palms' strategic direction (e.g., symbols, artifacts, roles, etc.)? Why?

•You must Be sure to use a minimum of three (3) library sources in support of your answers!

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Operation Management: What is a success of gaylord palms strategic choices
Reference No:- TGS02012008

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