
What is a significance of the regression

Discuss the below:

To fully understand how the B0 and B1 estimators are estimated, step-by-step explanation of their computation in Excel, in the following equation:

Yt = B0 + B1Xt + ut, t = 1988q1, 1988q2, ......, 2007q4,

as well as an interpretation of the two estimates.

It would also be helpful if you could obtain the series of residuals, and show step by step how to obtain the standard error and the R-squared statistic for the regression, as well as the standard errors of the estimators of B1 and B0.

To understand the t tests and the F tests, I would be grateful for a step-by-step explanation of how to:

- perform a t test of the null hypothesis, Ho: B1 = 0, against the alternative hypothesis, Ha: B1 ≠ 0, and

- Perform a t test of the null hypothesis, Ho: B0 = 0, against the alternative hypothesis, Ha: B0 ≠ 0.

Finally, an explanation of how to compute the value of the F statistic for the significance of the regression, and of the relationship between the value of the F statistic and the value of the t statistic which was computed in relation to the null hypothesis, Ho: B1 = 0.

1988Q1 -12.7617 1.605574
1988Q2 1.657752 0.472105
1988Q3 -12.2089 1.387559
1988Q4 -7.64327 0.709455
1989Q1 27.45585 0.248905
1989Q2 4.905286 0.63434
1989Q3 -5.91275 0.098587
1989Q4 9.231357 0.106654
1990Q1 0.218005 0.792174
1990Q2 -19.5285 0.529529
1990Q3 63.56022 -1.19435
1990Q4 19.88037 -0.5769
1991Q1 -36.0864 -0.05019
1991Q2 -9.09778 -0.33561
1991Q3 5.899673 -0.38558
1991Q4 2.426179 0.107349
1992Q1 -11.2543 0.337169
1992Q2 9.897538 -0.34683
1992Q3 -0.34934 0.56665
1992Q4 -5.27044 0.462455
1993Q1 -5.58309 0.667014
1993Q2 -0.39083 0.551063
1993Q3 -8.78098 0.968025
1993Q4 -8.5885 1.182451
1994Q1 -7.88095 1.10497
1994Q2 14.90052 1.39455
1994Q3 3.801797 0.978693
1994Q4 -1.47608 0.747525
1995Q1 1.332705 0.40222
1995Q2 6.792928 0.83091
1995Q3 -10.8593 0.419276
1995Q4 4.226124 0.805727
1996Q1 8.708785 0.88194
1996Q2 3.675417 0.050806
1996Q3 5.101973 0.841762
1996Q4 11.80226 1.328773
1997Q1 -8.70715 0.604411
1997Q2 -13.9226 0.661303
1997Q3 2.785739 0.681274
1997Q4 0.788218 1.002481
1998Q1 -24.1956 0.786025
1998Q2 -5.61153 0.554295
1998Q3 -6.40155 1.059581
1998Q4 -11.0708 0.849814
1999Q1 -0.38461 0.47857
1999Q2 37.36698 0.488857
1999Q3 31.35332 1.022982
1999Q4 17.18675 1.346037
2000Q1 10.07175 1.405927
2000Q2 -1.56914 0.594645
2000Q3 13.46427 0.753182
2000Q4 -3.69899 0.436171
2001Q1 -13.6579 0.762844
2001Q2 5.191185 0.387929
2001Q3 -6.42702 0.331839
2001Q4 -22.1893 0.541778
2002Q1 9.630953 0.493245
2002Q2 18.0412 0.542368
2002Q3 7.326825 0.642357
2002Q4 -0.97151 0.374059
2003Q1 14.71912 0.621109
2003Q2 -16.6504 0.551783
2003Q3 7.981284 0.983717
2003Q4 2.4107 0.914826
2004Q1 7.854825 0.939959
2004Q2 9.355514 0.828951
2004Q3 16.93417 0.357655
2004Q4 4.060774 0.55309
2005Q1 7.134197 0.372302
2005Q2 7.47258 0.720875
2005Q3 17.19745 0.620701
2005Q4 -9.17606 0.704315
2006Q1 8.740584 1.079869
2006Q2 11.99149 0.363608
2006Q3 0.190059 0.487412
2006Q4 -14.2264 0.839076
2007Q1 -4.36799 0.708924
2007Q2 15.82934 0.638969
2007Q3 8.765941 0.497626
2007Q4 15.96575 0.538285

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Applied Statistics: What is a significance of the regression
Reference No:- TGS01898398

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