
What is a secondary disaster

Consider the following questions:

1. What is a secondary disaster? Explain in detail.

2. Go to NOAA's website and click on weather ICON then click on extreme weather and select a natural weather disaster from the first list on the site. Then go to FEMA's site and select the natural disaster you have an interest in and look at the details on your selection. Describe what you have found out about your selection and what new information you did not know before.

3. Go to NOAA website and search "Cameo" and see also Aloha and Marplot or go to EPA's website for Cameo, Aloha and Marplot computer based systems for disaster planning and response .Describe the purpose of each system and how they relate to one another. Review how they can be used by emergency responders and planners to develop response programs for natural disasters and manmade disasters.

4. Go to the FEMA's website on hurricanes and search out the information that is available from FEMA on hurricane preparedness. Determine what is available and describe what you have found for hurricane preparedness.

5. What OSHA rule directly addresses hazmat and terrorist type events? Explain the scope and application of this rule?

6. Explain what a vulnerability analysis is and describe each specific step of the analysis along with the recording or recordkeeping. How is this analysis different from the hazard analysis presented in module one's commentary? Go to FEMA website and search "vulnerability analysis" for additional information.

7. How can the emergency manager use weather predictions, forecasts and warnings to minimize adverse impacts of nature caused hazardous weather events on its business?

8. What is the difference between specific gravity and vapor density of a material where the information is being used by the emergency responder and planner?

9. What is the difference between a mutagen and a teratogen as they pertain to humans?

10. List and describe two mitigation measures used for fires and fire related emergencies. State whether you consider the purpose of each measure a life safety measure, property protection measure or both.

11. What are the steps to business recovery for a facility after an emergency has damaged it? Describe each step.

12. Which Federal agency has the lead in assisting communities with their recovery efforts after a natural disaster? Under what Federal legislation is this agency given its authority to act? What is the name of the Federal Emergency Plan under which response organizations conduct their operations during and after a disaster?

13. List the five functional areas of the incident command system (ICS).

14. Describe two of the functional areas of the ICS in detail.

15. What are the differences between the "Unified Command System" and the "Incident Command System?" Explain when the Unified Command System" is expected to be used in managing an emergency event or disaster.

16. What are the steps for doing a "records' analysis" to determine what vital records must be retained by a company or employee? Describe each step of the analysis.

17. What training levels does the OSHA require in paragraph (q) of its Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response rule found at 29 CFR 1910.120. Are training records required for each level?

18. Assume you are an emergency response director for a company that handles hazardous materials in your local community. Develop a list of contacts containing the names and phone numbers of persons and organizations you would have to contact in the event of a chemical release above EPA's reportable quantity (RQ). Use the contact information for your hometown or for the military facility at which you are located. Make sure the list contains all Federal, state, tribal,and local government organizations that you must contact during a major chemical spill or release at your location.

19. Review the EU's Council Directive 96/82/EC document (European Union's Seveso II Council Directive) found in the eReserve Readings list for this class. List the number of sections in the document and explain the major elements of the document. .

20. Review International Labour Organization's (ILO) Conference Convention 174 found in the eReserve Readings for this class. Identify and and state the number of sections in the document. Explain the major elements of the ILO Convention 174.

21. Compare and contrast these two documents. State in your opinion how they are similar and different in their goals and objectives.

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