
What is a reasonable goal to set for the client


Case study

M.G is an 70-year-old White female that lives alone in a subsidized apartment building. She had rented her apartment for several years with her husband. Her Husband passed away unexpectedly 1 year ago, leaving her to manage the apartment herself. M.G has mobility limitations; therefore, she uses a walker when mobile and is not able to walk long distances without an increase of pain and discomfort. M.G has 1 daughter who lives 30 minutes away, in the next town over. The daughter makes a minimum of one phone call a day to her mother, just "to check in". The daughter also visits once a week to help prevent isolation and clean as needed. M.G since the passing away of her husband has insisted on being as independent as possible. This means that M.G doesn't share financial constraints and concerns with her daughter and insists that she still shop for groceries. M.G's neighbor had offered to keep an eye out for M.G and help M.G when needed. The neighbor is quite busy with his multiple jobs and family to raise. However, he can assist M.G to the grocery store to help her shop for food twice a month (about every 2 weeks). M.G is diagnosed with hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.

A home care nurse visits M.G at her apartment. The nurse notices the house is clean with M.G favoring the living room chair as a place to sit and take naps. The nurse while examining the apartment also notices a box of pop tarts on the counter and cans of soup and Chef Boyardee. The nurse takes M. G's vitals while she sits in her chair. Results are as follows: Temperature 98.6 °F, Pulse 80 bpm, Respiration 16 rpm, Blood pressure 128/76 mm/Hg, and a blood glucose was check and read 200 mg/dL. While talking and actively listening to M.G the nurse observes that she appears to look frail and has lost several pound from their last visit. The nurse also notes a few further concerning comments. M.G stated that she is feeling more tired lately and has an increased tingling and numbness in her feet. The nurse did include feet on her head-to-toe assessment and noted that there are no sores or lesions on her feet.

M.G further explained that she is aware that her glucose levels may be high because she has chosen to ration out her insulin to provide money for groceries after expenses are paid. Also, because she only goes grocery shopping twice a month, if she's hungry for a snack she will visit the vending machine located on her floor level of her apartment. Last noting, her husband did most of the cooking while they were together and because of his unexpected death- M.G buy's easy foods to make that are typically preprocessed and often microwavable. Client stated, "I have often left my daughter out of my medical and finical concerns, so that she doesn't have to worry about me when she is away. However, I think I should involve her more. she's always bothering me and asking to help".


A. What are your concerns for this client? Choose 1 priority:
B. What data tells you this is the priority problem? (Symptoms, signs, statements)
C. What is some additional information you would want to collect or investigate?
D. What is a reasonable goal to set for this client? (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timed)
E. How will the client achieve this goal? Describe at least 2 nursing interventions. (Include resources)
F. What would provide the evidence that the client is progressing toward or has met the goal?
G. What are some potential obstacles the client might encounter while working toward goal? List strategies to address these challenges.

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Reference No:- TGS03324078

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