
What is a qualitative research question pertaining to our

Interview Methods

Page constraints:

? Part 1 -- 1 page, single spaced; 12pt font

? Part 2 -- 3-5 pages, double-spaced, 12pt. Font

? Appendix of interview transcripts: no page limit, single spaced, 12pt font

Consider our metta question:

Are first generation students more greatly impacted by macro-level factors (like educational opportunities available, financial circumstances, prior education experience), or by micro-level factors (like ambition and family support)?

Part One: Develop an interview guide

1) What is a qualitative research question pertaining to our metta question? (I can be our metta question should you choose)

2) Submit a 10-15 question interview guide that addresses your research question. Be sure that your questions follow the guidelines for good interview questions detailed in lecture slides.

3) You may write using bullet points rather than in essay format. Regardless, use complete sentences.

Part Two: Writing a methods and results section using interview methods.

1) Use quotations from the "First Generation" Film as your data source, but act like you conducted the interviews yourself. You can find a link to the film on the course website. Ue the feature length cut of the film.

2) Using the template below, write a methods and findings section.

3) Write in paragraph structure, using ASA format.

See template below:


Research question

? What is your research question?

Interview Guide

? How will you begin the interview (Introduction, describe interview process, and informed consent)

? List your questions - be sure they are not yes/no questions

? List of demographics to obtain (age, gender, ses, etc)


You may use your own research question OR use this research question: Are first generation students more greatly impacted by macro-level factors (like educational opportunities available, financial circumstances, prior education experience), or by micro-level factors (like ambition and family support)?

Use the typology format in the template below or create your own typography.

? If you create your typography you must have at least 3 types, OR 2 types with 2 or more subtypes.

? If you are creating your own typography, I suggest running it by me on Monday.



? Describe the interviews (you can make up information that you don't have)

? How many?

? Structured or semi-structured?

? Individual or group?

? How long? (here you a can say that you either

? When was data collected?

? What kind of analysis do you do? (ie abductive analysis)

? Describe your analytic process (transcribing, memo writing, etc)

? At the end of this section, include this: "Note: All interview quotes and excerpts referenced in this article are derived from the film ‘First Generation' (2011), by Jaye and Adam Fenderson.

I did not conduct interviews. For the purpose of practicing qualitative data analysis, in this article I am treating content from the film as if I had conducted the interviews, myself. "


? Who are they?

? How many?

? What are the demographics of the participants?

? How were they recruited? What was your sampling method?

? Where were they recruited from, and what are the demographics of that place (California)?


? What is your relationship to the research topic?

? What is your relationship to the study participants?

? How might the above contribute bias to your study?

? How might participants alter the truth as a result of their being observed?

? How have you made efforts to minimize bias?


? What is your research question? (Are first generation students more greatly impacted by macro-level factors (like educational opportunities available, financial circumstances, prior education experience), or by micro-level factors (like ambition and family support)? OR your own question))

? What typology are you using to answer the question? Introduce it.

Macro Factors (use a more descriptive header)

Name of macro factor 1.

? Introduce the factor

? Provide 3 or more exact quotes to illustrate the factor. Also, paraphrase each quote. Be sure to follow ASA format for quotations.

? Summarize

Name of macro factor 2.

? Introduce the factor

? Provide 3 or more exact quotes to illustrate the factor. Also, paraphrase each quote. Be sure to follow ASA format for quotations.

? Summarize

Micro Factors (use a more descriptive header)

Name of micro factor 1.

? Introduce the factor

? Provide 3 or more exact quotes to illustrate the factor. Also, paraphrase each quote. Be sure to follow ASA format for quotations.

? Summarize

Name of micro factor 2.

? Introduce the factor

? Provide 3 or more exact quotes to illustrate the factor. Also, paraphrase each quote. Be sure to follow ASA format for quotations.

? Summarize

Discussion (1-2 paragraphs)

? Summarize: How are macro factors impactful on first generation students?

? Summarize: How are micro factors impactful on first generation students?

? Based on your analysis, are micro factors OR macro factors more impactful?



? Transcribe quotes given directly to interviewer (on camera and used as voice over)

? Include your transcription. You do not need to include any demonstration of your coding process.

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Dissertation: What is a qualitative research question pertaining to our
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