
What is a problem with the first formulation


With your group, answer these questions, all of which are based on this week's reading, Chapter 6, "Kantian Deontology" from Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics. These are short answer questions. Write in full sentences, but there is no need to do more than answer the question. If you quote from the text, use quotation marks.

A. What is the difference between a hypothetical imperative and a categorical imperative?

B. What does Kant mean by autonomy, and why does it matter to his moral philosophy?

C. What is the first formulation of the categorical imperative?

D. According to Kant's first formulation, why is it never ok to make a false promise (such as to pay back a friend) or to steal?

E. What is a problem with the First Formulation?

F. What was Schopenhaueur's critique of Kant's notion of the "good will," and how did Kant respond to it?

G. What is Kant's Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative?

H. What is Kant's view on suicide and why?

I. What is Kant's view on how we should treat animals, and why?

J. What is a problem with the Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative?

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