In no less than a paragraph (6 - 8 sentences; one strong paragraph), address the following prompt based on what you learned by reading Hoffman and Gjerde - How to Read Primary and Secondary. Demonstrate your understanding of citing and utilizing the Chicago Author-Date Style of in-text citations in your response.
What is a primary source and what is a secondary source? How are they each used to write about history? What are some things that historians must determine about these sources before they can appropriately use them in their writing? Lastly, based on this article, what is the job of a historian?
- define and identify types of primary and secondary sources
- identify how historians engage with and use these sources to do their work
- appropriately demonstrate quoting
- appropriately demonstrate paraphrasing
- appropriately demonstrate correct Chicago Style Author-Date in-text citations
Students will be scored on these criteria.
Source is Hoffman and Gjerde - How to Read Primary and Secondary google it!!!!