Assignment Task: What is a Nurse Practitioner?
1. Discuss the profession and its origin. What types of workers are in the profession, what is the environment where the profession takes place, who are the givers and recipients of this profession?
2. Describe at least two (2) different types of conflicts that may cause the Professionals in this profession to be unethical take place among all of the parties within the professions.
3. What is the Code of Ethics that the Professionals within this Profession must follow? Example - The Hippocratic Oath for Doctors and the GAAP rules for accountants. If you cannot find any, propose at least three codes that should be enforce.
4. Summarize at least 3 lawsuit or cases involving unethical conduct/conflicts within the Professionals. State clearly and deliberately and underline what the Institutional values and individual values are that are in conflict or that was broken. (Trust/attorney client conflict- Doctor-Patient confidentiality, etc.)
5. What code(s) did they violate? And what ethical theory that we discuss in Chapter 4 thus far can be applied to the situation. (Utilitarian-Deontology-Virtue Ethics-New York Times Rule etc.)
6. Explain how "motivated blindness", or "unconscious bias", or the "appearance of impropriety "can cause an individual in this profession to engage in unethical conduct. Example- Studies show unconscious bias among nurses is commonly directed toward the elderly; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) persons; and obese patients. This bias hinders nurse-patient relationships, nurses' assessments, and patient care.