What is a modern-day expression

1.Corporations have a role in establishing their community's:

A. tax base.
B. safety.
C. economic growth.
D. All of the above

2.Modern corporations should be socially responsible because they:

A. are responsible to the stockholders of the company.
B. create jobs, influencing the lives of employees.
C. are highly profitable.
D. All of the above

3.A modern-day expression of the charity principle does NOT include:

A. balancing the interests and needs of many diverse groups in society.
B. expressions of corporate philanthropy.
C. voluntary actions to promote the social good.
D. taking a paternalistic approach to community affairs.

4.Which of the following is NOT an example of the charity principle?

A. Endowing public libraries
B. Supporting settlement houses for the poor
C. Supporting a governmental protection agency
D. Donating money to a family-counseling center

5.Which of the following is NOT an example of the charity principle

A. promoting long-term profits for business
B. government efforts to reduce a company's abuses of its monopoly power in the marketplace.
C. correcting social problems caused by business.
D. None of the above

6.Which of the following is an argument in favor of corporate social responsibility?

A. It is always good business to act charitably.
B. It balances businesses' power with their responsibility to act.
C. Corporate reputation is the most critical factor driving profits.
D. Promotes short-term profitability for businesses.

7.Positive reputation can be valued as an intangible corporate:

A. asset.
B. liability.
C. charity.
D. expense.

8.Which of the following examples does NOT show a company guided by enlightened self-interest?

A. A company providing the best quality product at a fair price
B. A company providing assistance to employees who attend evening college
C. A company breaking past records by maximizing quarterly profits
D. A company vice-president invited to attend a local community's town planning meeting

9.When undertaking social initiatives, a company:

A. must take out social responsibility insurance.
B. will always receive long-term profits.
C. may sacrifice short-term profits.
D. risks going bankrupt in nearly all cases.

10.Social responsibility reflects:

A. the type of governmental rule and degree of individual freedom in a nation.
B. social activists' power and the extent that social regulation is found in a country.
C. cultural values and traditions, taking different forms in different societies.
D. All of the above

11.Which of the following is NOT a driver of the Corporate Social Responsiveness phase of Corporate Social Responsibility?

A. Religious/ethnic beliefs
B. Social unrest/protest
C. Stakeholder pressures
D. Public policy/government regulations

12.All of the following are examples of the phases of Corporate Social Responsibility EXCEPT:

A. Corporate/Global Citizenship.
B. Corporate Charity Principle.
C. Corporate Social Stewardship.
D. Corporate/Business Ethics.

As part of a continuing company commitment to monitor its manufacturing facilities, Mattel formed:

A. the "Zero Tolerance" program.
B. the Manufacturing Assessment Team.
C. the Independent Monitoring Council.
D. All of the above

13.The term corporate citizenship has been used to refer to:

A. businesses acting responsibly toward stakeholders.
B. moral obligations to society at large.
C. demands made by the trustees of the public's interests.
D. All of the above

14.Which of the following principles of corporate citizenship strive for a competitive return on investment?

A. Consumer Relations
B. Investor Relations
C. Employee Relations
D. Supplier Relations

15.Which of the following is NOT a professional association and consultancy in corporate social responsibility?

A. Business for Social Responsibility
B. Center for Global Citizenship
C. Corporate Social Responsibility Europe
D. Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibilit

16.A company that has just begun reporting to stakeholders is in which stage of the corporate citizenship process?

A. Innovative stage
B. Integrated stage
C. Engaged stage
D. Transforming stage

17.Managers responding to the needs of the local education system as a normal or routine aspect of its operations is an example of an organization in the:

A. innovative stage.
B. integrated stage.
C. transforming stage.
D. engaged stage.

18.According to a study of corporate citizenship in Latin America and Canada, which of the following is NOT one of the four levels of corporate social responsibility activity?

A. Delayed
B. Running
C. Catching up
D. Stalled

19.Which of the following is NOT one of the four quadrants of the balanced scorecard approach?

A. People and knowledge
B. Internal
C. External
D. Financial

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Finance Basics: What is a modern-day expression
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