
What is a meritocracy how does a color-blind perspective

1. What is a meritocracy? How does a color-blind perspective buttress the deeply held belief that America is a meritocracy? Why do you think Gallagher uses %u201COPPORTUNITY HAS NO COLOR%u201D as one of his subtitles within this article?

2. On what evidence does Gallagher build his argument that a belief in color-blindness and a belief in meritocracy are both myths? What are some of the policy implications and social consequences of these related ideologies?

3. How do media images affect the way that whites think about race and racism, according to Gallagher? How can depictions of racial harmony be racist? How can media images of successful politicians, celebrities and sports figures contribute to racism? What important sociological concepts %u2013 and social realities - are missing from the picture in the color-blind perspective?

4. What does Gallagher mean when he says that %u201CThe new color-blind ideology does not ignore race: it acknowledges race while disregarding racial hierarchy...%u201D What happens when media defines %u201Crace only as cultural symbols that are for sale%u201D? Do consumers of all racial groups %u2018see%u2019 race the same way, according to Gallagher? Why might media have a different influence on the thinking of whites than on the thinking of racial minorities?

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