Q1: 5 patients have a mean diastolic blood level of 95 are recruited for a study one month long. After one month the observed mean decline in diastolic blood pressure in these five patients is 4.8 with a standard deviation on 9.
Q2: How many patients would be needed to have a 90% chance of detecting a significant diff using a one tailed test with a significance level of 5%
Q3: Suppose we conduct a study of the preceding hypotheses based on 20 subjects. What is the probability that we will be able to reject H(0) using a one sided test at the 5% level?
Active Placebo active-pla
mean +- sd
average redness score:-0.61+-0.7 -0.04+-0.68 -.57+.86
(visit 2-Visit1 score)
Q4: Suppose we wish to estimate the number of subjects needed in a main study so that there will be a 90% chance of finding a significance level of 0.05 and we expect the active eyes to have a mean redness score 0.5 less than the placebo. How many subjects are needed in the study?