What is a management failure



A convention exhibitor has shipped display goods to many hotel throughout the years. He knew full well the likelihood that valuable goods shipped to the convention through the hotel;s receiving dock many show up on time, or even ever. So he mailed two medium-size boxes to himself marked, "Hotel for Arrival" in large print.

Steve, the guest-service agent "sorta remembers" the [packages coming about a week back. "They weren't large enough to store with receiving; yeah, I think the went to housekeeping"

Convention Exhibitor: Could you call and find out?

Steve (pointing): The house phones are over there.

The guest returned to report that housekeeping sent them to the desk yesterday so they would be on hand for his arrival. "Well, they are not there; that's for sure!" With hands on hips' Steve waited, slowly chewing his gum.

A second guest-service agent had finished with another guest and realized there was an adjacent situation. "The boxes, yes, they are on the mail table in the back room."

Convention exhibitor speaking to the GM's secretary "When I asked for his name, he glared at me, shook his head and pointed to his badge."


Was there a management failure here; if so, what?

What is the hotel's immediate response (or action) to the incident?

What further, long-run action should management take, if any?

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Management Information Sys: What is a management failure
Reference No:- TGS02069964

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