
What is a key informant

Multiple choice questions

Question 1
Which of the following is a component of ethnographic research?
a) Being immersed in a social group or setting

b) Participant observation, interviews, and/or documentary analysis

c) A written account of an ethnographic study

d) All of the above

Question 2
What is one of the main disadvantages of using the covert role in ethnography?

a) It can be hard to gain access to the social group

b) It is difficult to take notes without arousing suspicion

c) The problem of reactivity: people may change their behaviour if they know they are being observed

d) It is usually too time consuming and expensive to be a realistic option

Question 3
Which of the following will not help you to negotiate access to a closed/non-public setting?
a) Gaining the support of a "sponsor" within the organization

b) Obtaining clearance from a "gatekeeper" or senior member of the group

c) Joining in with the group's activities without introducing yourself

d) Offering something in return, e.g. a report of the findings

Question 4
What is a key informant?

a) A group member who helps the ethnographer gain access to relevant people/events

b) A senior level member of the organisation who refuses to allow researchers into it

c) A participant who appears to be helpful but then blows the researcher's cover

d) Someone who cuts keys to help the ethnographer gain access to a building

Question 5
What is the name of the role adopted by an ethnographer who joins in with the group's activities but admits to being a researcher?

a) Complete participant

b) Participant-as-observer

c) Observer-as-participant

d) Complete observer

Question 6
What is meant by the term "going native"?
a) Doing ethnography as a participant observer

b) Accepting a job in an organization previously studied by the ethnographer

c) Trying to learn to speak a foreign language as well as a native speaker

d) Over identifying with the group and losing research perspective

Question 7
Is it okay to break the law in order to maintain a "cover"?
a) Yes, provided it is not very serious

b) No, never under any circumstances

c) Yes, because otherwise data on criminal activity would never come to light

d) Yes, provided it doesn't cause physical harm to someone

Question 8
What is the difference between "scratch notes" and "full field notes"?
a) Scratch notes are just key words and phrases, rather than lengthy descriptions

b) Full field notes are quicker and easier to write than scratch notes

c) Scratch notes are written at the end of the day rather than during key events

d) Full field notes do not involve the researcher scratching their head while thinking

Question 9
Why does Stacey argue against the idea of a feminist ethnography?
a) Because it creates a non-exploitative relationship between the researcher and the researched

b) Because she fundamentally disagrees with all feminist principles

c) Because she thinks that the fieldwork relationship is inherently unequal

d) Because she does not think that ethnography is a useful research method

Question 10
What are the two main types of data that can be used in visual ethnography?
a) Positivist and interpretivist

b) Qualitative and quantitative

c) Nominal and ordinal

d) Extant and research-driven.

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