
What is a just state for plato

Question 1: An economically independent individual who has enough experience, education, and has access to leisure to be able to devote himself to politics.

Question 2: One nature of politics is based on the existence rival opinions, different wants, competing needs and opposing interests.

Question 3: It is the tool of reasoning and and instrument or medium for expressing and understanding politics.

Question 4: The view of politics that is focused on the manner in which governance and government systems are given premium.

Question 5: Supremacy of the law and institutions over individual rulers

Question 6: According to Aristotle's organic conception of the state, what type of community provides for the individual's daily necessities

Question 7: Characteristics for state-leaders to lead the state into achieving the common good

Question 8: According to Plato, the ideal state is to be conceived as a perfect state. It can only be achieved through having what kind of ruler?

Question 9: According to Heywood, it is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live.

Question 10: It is the method employed by Socrates in the search for knowledge or truth. This same method is now being coined as the Socratic Method.

Question 11: These are the things that can be perceived through the senses. Since senses are subjective/relative, these things are unreal according to Plato.

Question 12: The object of pre-Socratic philosophy or thought.

Question 13: It is the tradition in the study of politics that offers predictive claims based on objective and quantifiable data.

Question 14: A true form of government ruled by the many.

Question 15: An empirical approach to Study politics, claiming to describe, analyse and explain government and other political institutions/phenomena in a rigorous and impartial manner.

Question 16: These is the part of the soul that expresses biological needs of the individual that are necessary.

Question 17: Analytical study of ideas and doctrines that have been central to political thought.

Question 18: Historical contexts from which Political theories are generated.

Question 19: What is a just state for Plato?

Question 20: The parable/story use by Plato to explain and elaborate his theory of ideas and universal forms.

Question 21: The necessary characteristic of leaders that would lead to the existence of the state according to Aristotle

Question 22: For Plato, It is the state of stability where each of the virtues of the state are at a balance. Balance in the sense that each person is working according to his social classification.

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