What is a java applet - how array is declared and

A. Answer the following questions

1) What is a Java applet?

2) How array is declared and initialized in Java. Give an example.

3) What are the access control attributes in Java ?

4) What happens if a thrown exception is not cought?

B. Answer the following questions

1) What is mean by Swing and AWT ? Explain their differences.

2) Compare the statements break and continue with example in terms of their functions

3) How does a String class differ from a StringBuffer class?

4) Write down the four basic steps to JDBC.

C. Answer the following questions:

1) Write a program in Java which will read a line of text and count the total numbers of vowels in the text.

2) Write a program in Java for addition of matrices.

D. Answer the following questions:

1) Design a class to represent a bank account. Include the following data members: Annount number, Depositor name, Account type, Balance amount in the account.

Methods: To assign initial value

To deposit an amount

To withdraw an amount after checking balance

To display depositor name and balance

2) Write a Java program to do the following operations:

i). Read information of n students. The class name should be kkhsou with the member variable name, rollno, center_code and percentage in last exam.

ii) Display the students data whose percentage is more than 70.

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JAVA Programming: What is a java applet - how array is declared and
Reference No:- TGS01059408

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