Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in, and then write a 1000 word response to at the end of In doing so, consider the Core Values emphasized in this course, Excellence and Integrity. Incorporate into your discussion of a hero either core value, including your own definition and its relationship to the topic.
What is a hero? How do others define this concept? How do you define it? Think about some of the characters in the selections you have just read; do they fit a definition of "hero"? Think about real people you have encountered in your life; do any of them fit the definition? How does a hero relate to his or her society? Broaden your understanding of a hero by reading the short selection from Bodega Dreams, the poem "Crazy Courage", and the essay "The Train from Hate". Do some library research in order to extend your understanding of the concept of the hero. Now create your own definition. Support your argument with evidence from your library reseach, personal experience, and specific examples from your reading in this chapter.