
What is a halo effect and why does it happen


Consumer behavior

1 How can an attitude play an ego-defensive function?

2 Describe the ABC model of attitudes.

3 List the three hierarchies of attitudes, and describe the major differences among them.

4 How do levels of commitment to an attitude influence the likelihood that it will become part of the way we think about a product in the long term?

5 We sometimes enhance our attitude toward a product after we buy it. How does the theory of cognitive dissonance explain this change?

6 What is the foot-in-the-door technique? How does self-perception theory relate to this effect?

7 What are latitudes of acceptance and rejection? How does a consumer's level of involvement with a product affect his latitude of acceptance?

8 According to balance theory, how can we tell if a triad is balanced or unbalanced? How can consumers restore balance to an unbalanced triad?

9 Describe a multi-attribute attitude model and list its key components.

10 "Do as I say, not as I do." How does this statement relate to attitude models?

11 What is a subjective norm, and how does it influence our attitudes?

12 What are three obstacles to predicting behavior even if we know a person's attitudes?

13 Describe the theory of reasoned action. Why might it not be equally valuable when we apply it to non-Western cultures?

14 List three psychological principles related to persuasion.

15 Describe the elements of the traditional communications model, and tell how the updated model differs.

16 What are blogs and how can marketers use them?

17 What is source credibility, and what are two factors that influence our decision as to whether a source is credible?

18 What is the difference between buzz and hype? How does this difference relate to the corporate paradox?

19 What is a halo effect, and why does it happen?

20 What is an avatar, and why might and advertiser choose to use one instead of hiring a celebrity endorser?

21 When should a marketer present a message visually versus verbally?

22 Hoe does the two- factor theory explain the effects of message repetition on attitude change?

23 When is it best to present a two-sided message versus a one-sided message?

24 Do humorous ads work? If so, under what conditions?

25 Should marketers ever try to arouse fear in order to persuade consumers?

26 Why do marketers use metaphors to craft persuasive messages? Give two examples of this technique.

27 What is the difference between a lecture and drama?

28 Contrast the hierarchies of effects the chapter outlines. How should marketers take these different situations into account when they choose their marketing mix?

29 A flog is a fake blog a company posts to build buzz around its brand. Is this ethical?

30 Devise an attitude survey for a set of competing automobiles. Identify areas of competitive advantage or disadvantage for each model you include.

31 Why would a marketer consider saying negative things about her product? When is this strategy feasible? Can you find examples of it?

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Microeconomics: What is a halo effect and why does it happen
Reference No:- TGS01808396

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