What is a gaseous plant hormone which accelerates ripening

Question 1

The increase in fruit size is due to accumulating ___________.
a. water
b. sugar
c. cellulose
d. alkoloids

Question 2

Fruits die shortly after being picked with a rapid decline in quality.

Question 3

Sweetness in fruits tends to increase with ______.
a. sunshine
b. water
c. fertilizer
d. all of the choices

Question 4

All of the following except _____ are a climacteric fruit.
a. bananas
b. pears
c. tomatoes
d. melons.

Question 5

______ is a gaseous plant hormone which accelerates ripening of some fruits.
a. Ethylene
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide

Question 6

Vegetables can come from all of the following except the ____________ part of the plant.
a. leaf
b. stem
c. root
d. ovary

Question 7

A tuber is a modified _______.
a. stem
b. root
c. leaf
d. stem or root

Question 8

Root vegetables tend to store their energy as starch.

Question 9

The 'scales' of an onion are modified ________.

a. leaves
b. stems
c. buds
d. roots

Question 10

Diversity of edible parts is highest in the _________ family.
a. onion
b. lettuce.
c. cabbage
d. squash

Question 11

Cooking generally reduces the nutritional content of food.


Question 12

Cooking may increase the availability of nutrients by making plants more digestible.


Question 13

Fruits are specific structures associated with the plant's _________ tissue.
a. leaf
b. stem
c. flower
d. storage.

Question 14

_________ tissue tastes sweet and is likely to be eaten raw.
a. Leaf
b. Stem
c. Fruit
d. Storage.

Question 15

Vegetables contain more __________ than fruits.
a. water
b. starch
c. pectin
d. cellulose

Question 16

_________ are technically fruit as the edible parts are associated with flower tissues.
b. Squash
c. String beans
d. All of the choices

Question 17

Cooking vegetables softens the tissue and can make nutrients more available.


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Chemistry: What is a gaseous plant hormone which accelerates ripening
Reference No:- TGS01534945

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